Usability Test Plan: LifeLine Device
Authors: H541 Group 1
Contact Details:
Final Date: 10/21/21
Product Under Test
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
LifeLine prototype device
The goal is to improve the usability of the prototype and correct any interface errors. To determine if the LifeLine device is usable and allows patients and medical health professionals to achieve specific tasks.
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Measuring Blood Pressure/Viewing Historic BP data.
  2. Navigating to the Electrocardiogram App Screen
  3. Using the Calendar App to view Medication/Physical Therapy/ or Appointment information.
  4. Add or Edit an Emergency Contact (complete once they click OK on the modal).
  5. Navigate to Visibility Enhancements in Accessibility, Select High Contrast and Larger Font then Save.
The team responsibility is to discover and efficiently record product errors and participants feedback.
  • To deliver the survey
  • Inform participants about the prototype
Business Case
Location & Dates
We are performing this test to determine if the product delivers an effective and enjoyable user experience.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
10/18/21 - Zoom, Slack
10/21/21 - Zoom
To find and recruit participants
Deliver the survey to participants
Evaluate survey results
Design recommendations based on findings and research
Final report of prototype changes and possible future enhancements
Measuring Blood Pressure/Viewing Historic BP data
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
  • Does the user know how to view historic BP data and start the application?
  • Do they want to use this feature for the future and can they trust its data?
  • Does this feature help them record blood pressure and can they see they understand the data visually?
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Navigate to the Blood Pressure application by either:
    • Clicking the left or right navigation arrow buttons until you reach the appropriate application
    • Open the Apps menu and select Blood Pressure
  2. Select Start Measurement, wait 5 seconds for measurement to finish
  3. Select Show History
  4. Task complete when graph slides up
Business Case
Location & Dates
This survey section will address if the interface is accessible and clearly presents blood pressure information.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
Online via Chrome Browser from 10/19/21 - 10/21/21
Introduce to section 2 of 10
Follow instructions to complete tasks
Complete tasks with best of your ability
Answer questions about effort taken for task
Proceed to section 3 of 10
Navigating to the Electrocardiogram App Screen
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
  • Does the user understand the value of having an electrocardiogram feature?
  • Can they understand and use the data from the electrocardiogram?
  • Does the user know how to activate its features?
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Navigate to the Electrocardiogram application by either:
    • Clicking the left or right navigation arrow buttons until you reach the appropriate application
    • Open the Apps menu and select Electrocardiogram
  2. Task complete when "live" graphs load completely
Business Case
Location & Dates
The electrocardiogram section of the survey will target graphs reliability and address any errors.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
Online via Chrome Browser from 10/19/21 - 10/21/21
Introduce to section 3 of 10
Follow instructions to complete tasks
Complete tasks with best of your ability
Answer questions about effort taken for task
Proceed to section 4 of 10
Using the Calendar App to View Appointments/Medication/Physical Therapy
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
  • Do users understand the value of this feature and can they trust it to maintain their health?
  • Does the calendar help them keep a routine for medication delivery?
  • Do users understand how to read the calendar and maintain important health related dates?
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Navigate to the Calendar application by either:
    • Select any day on the calendar
    • Task complete when any Medications/PT/Appointments information loads
  2. Task complete when "live" graphs load completely
Business Case
Location & Dates
This survey section will address if users can use the calendar feature and visually helps them keep track of health related tasks.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
Online via Chrome Browser from 10/19/21 - 10/21/21
Introduce to section 4 of 10
Follow instructions to complete tasks
Complete tasks with best of your ability
Answer questions about effort taken for task
Proceed to section 5 of 10
Add or Edit an Emergency Contact
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
  • Does the user understand the importance of adding and editing Emergency contact?
  • Does this help them trust the device to meet their needs?
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Click the “Emergency” tab at the bottom of the screen
  2. Select an existing emergency contact (besides 911/Hospital/Doctor) or Select + ADD
  3. Fill out the Edit/Add Contact Modal
  4. Task complete when user clicks Save
Business Case
Location & Dates
This survey section will address if the add and edit function of emergency contacts is easy to use. Including providing users an extra sense of security and trust towards the device.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
Online via Chrome Browser from 10/19/21 - 10/21/21
Introduce to section 5 of 10
Follow instructions to complete tasks
Complete tasks with best of your ability
Answer questions about effort taken for task
Proceed to section 6 of 10
Navigate to Visibility Enhancements in Accessibility
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
  • Do users trust and understand how to find accessibility features?
  • Does it meet their accessibility needs?
  • The goal is to provide users access to accessibility tools.
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Click the “Settings” tab at the bottom of the screen
  2. Click “Accessibility” sub-menu
  3. Select “Visibility Enhancements”
  4. Select “High” for the Contrast setting, Select Larger for the Font Size
  5. Task complete when user clicks save
Business Case
Location & Dates
This survey section will address if a user can access accessibility features quickly and easily. It will determine if the prototype can make an enjoyable experience for those with limited vision and hearing capabilities.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
Online via Chrome Browser from 10/19/21 - 10/21/21
Introduce to section 6 of 10
Follow instructions to complete tasks
Complete tasks with best of your ability
Answer questions about effort taken for task
Proceed to section 7 of 10
Measuring Oxygen Saturation and Viewing the Historical Data
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
  • Do users understand how to measure their oxygen saturation and see its history within the application?
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Attempt to measure your oxygen saturation and view its historical data on your own terms
  2. Task is considered completed when the historical data is viewed after a measurement has been taken
Business Case
Location & Dates
This survey section will address if a user can measure their oxygen saturation and access the information easily.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
Online via Chrome Browser from 10/19/21 - 10/21/21
Introduce to section 7 of 10
Complete tasks with best of your ability
Answer questions about effort taken for task
Proceed to section 8 of 10
Change the System's Language
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
  • Do users understand how to change the prototype language and do they trust its usability?
  • Will users use this feature to perform a task?
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Attempt to change the Language of the System/Device to something different than English.
  2. Task is considered completed when the user saves the updated Language.
Business Case
Location & Dates
This survey section will address if a user can effectively change the device language and be able to do the task again.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
Online via Chrome Browser from 10/19/21 - 10/21/21
Introduce to section 8 of 10
Complete tasks with best of your ability
Answer questions about effort taken for task
Proceed to section 9 of 10
Take a Snapshot of Heart Health
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
  • Does the user know how to take a snapshot of their health?
  • Does the user understand the value of the snapshot feature?
  • Will this feature help them achieve a goal or complete a task?
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Attempt to use the snapshot feature to send your current heart health info to anyone authorized to receive it.
  2. Task is considered completed when the user sends the snapshot data and the popup window closes.
Business Case
Location & Dates
This survey section will address if a user understands how to use the snapshot device. This will determine if the snapshot application can be used and benefit a user experience.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
Online via Chrome Browser from 10/19/21 - 10/21/21
Introduce to section 9 of 10
Complete tasks with best of your ability
Answer questions about effort taken for task
Proceed to section 10 of 10